Make Money from the Internet Even if you only have $2.99


The complete guide on how to start with next to nothing and earn profits in 10 days

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This book is split into a total of ten sections. The first five sections give a general summary of the mental, emotional, and even physical attributes necessary to become a successful home business entrepreneur.  It mixes goofy, off-the-wall humor with some of the most practical yet profound business truths you’ll ever hear.

Sections six through ten are quite different.  These sections actually start you in business and will direct you into a successful home business where you will be paid within ten days or less.

This book is not meant to be a one-time “here you go and we hope you make it” kind of book.  There are enough of those out there.  Rather, this book represents the first steps in the journey to financial success.

It is our belief that, if given a fair chance, that anyone who has the desire to be successful in their home business can do so, even if that person only has $2.99......the price of this book.  And we believe that $2.99 can turn into much more than that.  Much, much more.

The journey begins with something very simple…..sending emails.  This soon leads into a world of home entrepreneurship where one can build upon their success with us providing just the right amount of leadership and support.  At Romans 1 Publishing, we believe that the only real success in business comes when each party in a transaction is happy to keep doing business.  Come aboard and let's make some money!

You can do it!

Steven D. Cox   CPA

Romans 1 Publishing

© 2014 by Romans 1 Publishing

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